Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Bella Bambinos.... AKA Niece and Nephew!!!!!

Those who know me, even if you've only just met me once.... Know that I'm the most PROUD AUNTIE ever!!! Since the day my niece Nicolette Lois was born on Feb 6, 2009 my life has changed completely! The way I love and see the world is now through the most precious eyes of my now 2yr old niece! I mean whats more important than a coloring book and sippy cup full of the most delicious juice!

On Dec 22,2010 a new guy came into my life.... Matthew William Knoderer II... Baby Will! With the amount of love I have for Nicolette, I thought how on earth am I going to love him as much.... Well, I love him just as much if not more! Nicolette is a sassy drama queen and my baby Will is so laid back and just a precious angel! I can't wait to play games, color, and run around with him... Just as I now do with his ever sassy big sister!

On Dec 22,2010 a new guy came into my life.... Matthew William Knoderer II... Baby Will! With the amount of love I have for Nicolette, I thought how on earth am I going to love him as much.... Well, I love him just as much if not more! Nicolette is a sassy drama queen and my baby Will is so laid back and just a precious angel! I can't wait to play games, color, and run around with him... Just as I now do with his ever sassy big sister!

The images you see were taken by the most fabulous and talented photographer I've seen! My dear friend Sheri Grippo of Bella Bambino Photography! Enjoy and Cheers to all of my Fellow Aunties!

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