Monday, March 21, 2011

Here we GO~

My very first post.... Please excuse the lack of excitment, I have never done this before! But I've had some requests and encouragemnt from many to begin my own blog about my life, my shopping adventures and my vintage finds for almost nothing $$$! So..... HERE WE GO!

Yesterday was the first day of spring and with this amazing weather here in the midwest where Mother Natures hormones are CRAZIEST! LOL... I've found some amazing shopping inspirations! I'm loving pastels and I've recently discovered a fabulous Vintage shop here at home that most everyone has kept hidden from me ;) Annie Laurie's Antiques is AMAZING... I got this amazing, super sweet glassware set for $7... Yes yes... a set of 6 drinking glasses for $7!!! This is what runs through my blood and these purchases are my bargain queen high!

Well, my first post is complete! Happy following~


  1. Cute blog. It was great to see you in the store yesterday, rummaging through the vintage clothing. Hope to see you again soon. Keep on posting!
